The WHO's Coordination of Macroeconomics and Health Program aims to support countries to achieve the millenium development goals (MDGs) by encouraging National Ministries of Health focus on the poor by identifying cross sectoral strategies and cost effective options that will sustain improved health outcomes;
strengthen commitments to increased financial investment in health; and
minimize non financial constraints to the absorption of greater investments by increasing efficiency and effectiveness.
I am saddened by the fact that we have become so proficent in drafting policies and neologisms-for instance, Health for All by 2000, Vision 2010, (the list is endless)-without realizing these goals. There is no advantage in finger-pointing. These policies can work if all resolve to contribute to development.
Compare the 2 pictures. Both were taken in Nigeria, my country. There is so much disparity in the socioeconomic status of people here. Ofcourse, most live in conditions you find in the second picture. And it is true that Nigeria is rich in mineral resources.
It is not uncommon to find poverty and so much wealth existing side by side. Did you see Oprah's coverage of Katrina and CNN's coverage of living conditions of some in France?
Many do not crave for stupendous wealth: many simply desire basic, equitable means by which they can lead 'normal' lives.
1 comment:
I am conversant with Paul Farmer's Pathologies of Power and his selfless work in Latin America. Jeffrey Sachs is an inspirer; for me, especially as regards his work on the economics of global health. I have not read his latest work (The End of Poverty).
I am new to blogging myself. I have decided to blog because of a passion for change. It is my avenue for self-expression.
If you would be specific about your request, I am ready to offer any help I can.
NB: what is your URL (your blog address)?
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